Things Etc.

mainly about UI, UXD, Work and other stuff that interests me

Salford Ghosts

Filed under: Found, stuff

Pics from today

I work near hood street, slightly religious experience with the light rays and the church

Space invader…

Tar, that loos like africa with a face… Reminds me of that famous french poster for the 70’s covering racism in africa

Filed under: Art Direction, Found, stuff

Portfolio Surgeries

Doing the student thing here this afternoon… Had a look round the exhibition and its a lil bit predictable you know lots of helvetica, plenty of illustrations in the style of Matt Sewell and not much else really.

I really dont know what they are teaching in the uni’s but it certainly isnt training up students to make it in the commercial world thats for sure…

This however caught my eye and was the most interesting thing here today..

Filed under: Art Direction, Found, Graphic Design